And with that said, over to Jim:
FROM: The Texas Research & Information Bureau
TO: All News Outlets
FOR RELEASE: Immediately
FORT WORTH, TX – Responding to increasing serious interest by the public concerning the issue of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), the Texas Research & Information Bureau (TRIB) has scheduled a forum on the subject featuring four area authorities.
The First Annual Texas U Find Out Forum will be held on October 25, 2008, at Vance Godbey’s Restaurant located at 8601 Jacksboro Highway just past Lake Worth. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 10 a.m. and last until 4 p.m. A catered buffet lunch, a panel discussion and book signings are included. Cost is $65 per person but persons who pre-register by Oct. 10 can pay only $55. Orders may be placed by telephoning 817-379-0773.
Leading off the day-long presentations will be Jim Marrs, author of the 1997 book Alien Agenda, the top-selling non-fiction investigative work on UFOs in the world. Marrs will present an overview of the subject ranging from Ancient Astronauts to the latest research into the 1897 crash at Aurora, TX, just 20 miles north of Fort Worth.
“This will be an excellent opportunity for folks who once had only a passing interest in this subject to learn of the historical narratives and documentation of some of the best UFO incidents,” Marrs said. “It is time for the public to start dealing with this reality.”
British-born author Nick Redfern, who has extensively researched government documents regarding the UFO phenomenon, will report on what the U.S. Government really knows about UFOs. Redfern is the author of several UFO books, including A Covert Agenda: The British Government’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed, The FBI Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed and Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown.
The sightings near Stephenville earlier this year will be discussed by Kenneth Cherry, the Texas State Director of the Mutual UFO Network, the nation’s largest organization dedicated to investigating UFOs. Cherry directed a 10-person investigative team that looked into the reports of large lighted objects seen around Stephenville shortly after the first of the year. “We’ve eliminated a lot of the known possibilities regarding the Stephenville sightings,” Cherry said. “Early on in the investigation, we could see that something important was happening or we wouldn’t have devoted so many resources to this event.” His talk will include a discussion of recently-released radar data from the Stephenville sightings.
C. L. Turnage, an area freelance writer with an extensive background in history and ancient languages, has studied more than 300 translations of ancient Mesopotamian and Vedic Indian texts, the Hebrew/Greek scriptures, Egyptian writings, and extra-biblical books such as “Enoch the Prophet” as background material for her books. A member of the Ancient Astronaut Society, she has authored War in Heaven and Extraterrestrials Are on the Moon and Mars, using numerous NASA photographs to support her thesis. She will explain how the UFO phenomenon can be traced back to humankind’s earliest writings.
This First Texas U Find Out Forum is presented by the Texas Research & Information Bureau, a Texas non-profit organization begun in 2002 and dedicated to bringing information to the general public seldom covered in the mass media.
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